
Memories from Spring '07

I can’t believe 3 years have passed since I was in Vietnam with Semester at Sea. It’s about time I get back there for another visit, huh?! We have a few last-minute things to take care of before we head off next week. Top priority = VISAS. We should hopefully get them in the mail within the next few days…I also need to go to the travel clinic the day before we leave to get my typhoid shot.

I’m excited to compare southern Vietnam (where I was on SAS) to northern Vietnam…Here’s some of my favorite memories/pictures from my travels in and around Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta:

1. TRAFFIC! It was crazy with all the motorbikes zipping all over the place

2. Cooking class

3. SHOPPING! There’s tons of knock-off items in all the markets

4. Cu Chi Tunnels

5. Pit stains – it was SO hot!

6. Boat cruise on the Mekong Delta

7. Riding a motorbike for the first time!

8. Eating delicious fresh fruit and trying an “elephant ear fish”

9. War Remnants Museum

10. Street food

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Paul and I read your comments and was very impressed with your beautiful photos. I had a very hard time getting to your blog site because I am computer illiterate. We had dinner on Sunday with jeff and Bev and their daughter showed me how to finally get to follow your travels. Tammy, me being as inexperienced as I am with this computer, trying to show your father how to scroll down to read your page, was a real hoot!!! Congrats on the neww puppies. Stay safe and healthy. If you want my e-mail it is erb190@aol.com

    By for now
    Sheila and Paul
