
Tuesday - Rain Day!

We slept much better last night because it cooled to 87 degrees. We woke to pouring rain and thunder 7-9 am. I guess this is the rainy season. Who needs snow days when you can have rain days? Apparently it pours like this every 2-3 days in the peak of rainy season. There is no way we could ride our bicycles to Friendship Village. Someone else left early on a motor bike and said the houses were flooded with 2 feet of water. The classrooms were o.k. because they are higher, but only a few kids there. I guess we will try to ride this afternoon, we will see how full the potholes are with water.

It is hard having so much time and not doing something specific. I need to just enjoy the moments.

We met a family from Chicago at the Village yesterday. They saw a documentary on it and came to visit. The mom is from Malaysia. I will have to look for the documentary when we get home. It was nice to talk to another adult in English.

We attempted to go to work this afternoon; however, the kids were housebound due to the flooding! Some were playing a bit in the water, but others were just cooped up in their houses.

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